July 11, 2023
4 min
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Journey Into the AI Wild West: The Good, the Bad, and the Downright Bewildering

Finn Robbins
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Imagine ChatGPT, and other AI language tools just like it, as our newfound digital compadres in the wild west of AI. It's charming, suave, and can spin words like it's reciting a Shakespearean sonnet. But like most things in life, properly using ChatGPT to its full extent is not as easy as it looks. It's like trying to assemble IKEA furniture - functional, sometimes even fun, but boy, does it make you scratch your head sometimes.

One of the challenges of working with ChatGPT is that it can sometimes act just like that overconfident player at Trivia night, shouting out an answer with complete and utter confidence, despite being entirely incorrect. Unlike a typical search engine like Google, which will provide you with a variety of sources, context, and references, ChatGPT will often provide no rationale behind its decisions, unless explicitly asked to do so. Someone who doesn't know any better may take what it says at face value and accept it as gospel truth. Little do they know, ChatGPT can sometimes be completely misleading in its statements, and therefore requires a proofreading more thorough than a drill sergeant's morning inspection every time it's used.

Armed with its enticingly slick wordplay, ChatGPT can occasionally mirror the sophistication of an Oscar-winning screenwriter, making you question whether it's your coworker Sarah you're chatting with, instead of a tangled web of codes and algorithms. However, AI still often falls victim to sounding extremely robotic, almost as if the terminator managed to get his hands on a computer and tried to communicate. Nobody wants to read an email or an essay that sounds like it was written by Skynet's HR department, which is another reason why it is essential to proofread ChatGPT's output, and make sure to infuse it with some personalized touches.

Imagine Google as that reliable old buddy who, no matter how you frame the question, will give you the same answer to 'What's the capital of France?'. Now, enter ChatGPT - the unpredictable, eccentric genius - the chameleon of the AI world. Its outputs could swing from the straight laced to the downright wacky, all depending on how you dress your request. Engaging with ChatGPT is like stepping into a linguistic roller coaster, where one extra adjective or adverb can catapult you from a serious historical account of Napoleon Bonaparte, to the script of a full-blown Hollywood extravaganza, complete with singing and dancing soldiers.

In the end though, all relationships have their quirks. Yes, working with ChatGPT can be like trying to dance a waltz with two left feet, but if you remember the key shortfalls we discussed, and the best ways to avoid them, it can be a powerful tool for your organization. It's a dance worth learning, a buddy worth having, and an adventure worth embarking on.

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