August 8, 2023
4 min
to read

AI in Marketing: Superhuman Colleagues or Robot Overlords?

Finn Robbins
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Hello, corporate trailblazers! What if I told you there's a way to supercharge your marketing, ignite your creativity, and still have time for that afternoon latte? Well, brace yourselves, because we're about to take a thrilling plunge into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI), where marketing isn't just business as usual, but an adventure into the extraordinary!

Let's start by addressing the proverbial robot in the room. Does the advent of AI mean traditional marketing will go the way of fax machines and typewriters? Will the future of marketing consist of silicon-based whiz kids cranking out our campaigns? Not quite. Instead of replacing us, AI is turning out to be the perfect sidekick to marketers - our very own Robin, Samwise, or Chewbacca, if you will.

Take chatbots for instance. These automated conversational experts are far from being silver-tongued charmers who will steal your job. Instead, they are here to handle the mundane, repetitive tasks that would otherwise be keeping you from working on higher level tasks.

On your website, chatbots engage with customers, addressing their queries promptly at any time of day (or night!). They provide instant customer service, ensuring that no one's left waiting in purgatory, metaphorically drumming their fingers. While they might not win a Pulitzer, they do free up time for you to focus on what really matters: sipping your latte and pondering the next big thing in your industry.

Next up on our AI-powered journey, we have recommendation engines. For anyone who's ever been lost in the rabbit hole of Netflix suggestions, or bought way more stuff on Amazon than they initially intended, you know these babies pack a punch. They process and analyze customer behaviour and preferences, dishing out personalized suggestions that make each customer feel like the star of their own Truman Show. It's not quite as creepy as it sounds, promise!

Speaking of personalization, predictive analytics is another area where AI shines brighter than a blinged-out disco ball. Armed with the dynamic duo of business intelligence and AI, marketers can now predict consumer behaviour with eerie accuracy (still less eerie than my Aunt Edna's tarot card readings though!). This information empowers businesses to tailor their marketing campaigns to each customer, ensuring that the right message reaches the right audience at the right time. All while you're kicking back, watching your symphony of automated marketing unfold.

All things considered, AI is far from replacing us, and is instead empowering us, giving us a supercharge! It enables us to hone in creativity, strategy, and human connections, while it shoulders the burden of routine tasks. Since marketing is all about riding the wave of innovation and freshness, embracing AI immediately is crucial. To maintain our positions at the industry's forefront, we must not only adopt AI but also master it before it evolves into the status quo.

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