July 25, 2023
5 min
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AI Chatbots: A Less Chatty, More Profit-y Approach to Sales

Finn Robbins
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It's 2023, and despite Elon Musk's predictions, robots are still not ruling the world. However, that's not to say they aren't starting to make their presence know in the business world, just in a slightly less apocalyptic way. When they're not serving as your personal AI assistants (sorry, Jarvis from Iron Man still doesn't come with the package), they're out revolutionizing the way we do business. Enter: AI chatbots.

A chatbot is the digital equivalent of a talkative salesperson, but instead of running on caffeine, it's powered by lines of code and machine learning. It's the unblinking, uncomplaining, unsleeping digital entity that waits on your website 24/7 ever-ready to engage with customers. But, as business owners and executives, you may have a lingering question: Where is the best point to implement them in the sales funnel? Are there pros and cons? And most importantly, where is the best place to go to find the right chatbot for your business? Well buckle up, because we're diving right into the AI chatbot rabbit hole!

 Appropriate Use of AI Chatbots in Sales

Let's imagine your business is a party. Your chatbot is like the ultimate party host, engaging every guest from the moment they step through the door. But it's not always ideal to push all the responsibilities onto the host. At the top of the sales funnel (the awareness stage), chatbots work wonders in providing immediate, interactive responses to general questions. They greet visitors with a joke, gather basic information, and help nurture leads. Additionally, having a chatbot handle these preliminary actions will prevent you from having to deploy your sales force on these low conversion rate leads, instead saving them for more important sections of the sales funnel.

As your leads slide down the sales funnel to more critical stages like decision-making, that's when human intervention becomes preferable. No matter how evolved AI becomes, humans are always going to be more trusting of other humans, meaning that when the final stages of a sale come along, nothing can replace the personalized touch of an actual salesperson.

 Pros and Cons: It's not Just 0s and 1s

Like any new technology, chatbots have their pros and cons, so one of the keys to effectively leverage your chatbot is to be aware of where it will thrive, and where it may fall short. On the plus side, chatbots offer 24/7 service (no coffee breaks!), immediate responses, and can simultaneously juggle numerous interactions. They automate repetitive tasks and provide an initial touch-point for customer service, where they can answer any frequently asked questions about your products or services.

On the flip side, chatbots might stumble when dealing with complex inquiries or emotional sensitivity, so they still can't grasp human emotions fully (despite being excellent at pretending). So, if a customer comes in upset over a late delivery, you may want a human to handle that one.

Identifying Your Perfect Chatbot: A Guide to Tailored Business Solutions

Purchasing the right chatbot is like finding the perfect pair of jeans: it must fit your unique business needs perfectly, and there simply isn't a "one size fits all" solution that will get the job done. There are numerous chatbot platforms available, with features ranging from basic query handling to advanced machine learning capabilities. Before deciding, outline your business's specific needs, budget, and technological capabilities. From enterprise-grade solutions like IBM Watson to more SME-friendly ones like Dialogflow or Chatfuel, your perfect bot-match is out there, you just need to put in the time to find the one that fits!

And that's a wrap! Remember, any digital transformation, including the adoption of chatbots, requires careful consideration and strategic planning. And let's not forget a healthy dose of adaptability. After all, if the future doesn't involve learning new robot languages and negotiating with our silicon counterparts, what's the fun in that?

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