August 4, 2023
5 min
to read

Unlocking the Automation Goldmine: Strategies for Implementing and Optimizing - Part 3

Finn Robbins
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In our third and final part of the automation series, we're moving from planning to action. It's like reaching the final boss level in a video game. But don't worry, we've got the cheat codes to help you win.

Implementing automation solutions can be as easy as ABC or as complex as a 5,000-piece jigsaw puzzle. It all depends on your preparation. The first step is choosing the right automation tools and technologies. Think of it as going to a buffet. You want to pick what suits your taste, satisfies your hunger, and offers the best value for money. Research, compare, and try before you buy.

Some folks believe you need the wisdom of a tech guru to implement automation, picturing you'd have to coax a reclusive coding wizard out of their mountain cave with promises of energy drinks and endless pizza. However, the truth is far less dramatic. The automation landscape is as varied as a box of assorted chocolates. Some pieces are easy and simple, needing no code, while others are code-heavy, like a cryptic caramel swirl hidden under a nutty shell. As you start your automation journey, it's sensible to first reach for the simple 'milk chocolates' your team can munch through with ease, before tackling the complex 'truffles' that require a more refined palate. By then, your team will have a taste for the automation game, and will be ready to take on the more challenging tasks.

Consider this: your business might be sitting on an automation goldmine without even knowing it. It's like finding out your old, dusty vinyl collection in the attic is worth a small fortune. You see, that tool you've been using to manage your customer relationships might just be the automation treasure you've been looking for. Many CRM tools offer automation features that are bundled in with your subscription, like a bonus track on your favourite album. They are often very user-friendly and require no coding, making them the perfect place to start your automation journey. So, before you whip out the company credit card to buy shiny new tools, have a rummage through your existing tool shed, and you might just stumble upon the gem you've been searching for.

Then comes the challenging part - integration, security, scalability, and change management. It's like trying to squeeze a camel through the eye of a needle, right? Not necessarily. With the right strategies, it can be more like threading a needle - a bit tricky, but very manageable so long as you come at it with a sound game plan.

Finally, remember to measure and optimize the effectiveness of automation. It's like installing a new engine in your car - you'll want to check the speed, fuel efficiency, and general performance.

And that's a wrap on our three-part automation series! If you feel like now is the time for your company to begin its automation journey, feel free to give us a shout, and we'd be happy to help guide you down this wonderful path!

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